Familiar Songs - Their Authors & Histories

300 traditional songs, inc sheet music with full piano accompaniment & lyrics.

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musical, and he is prodigally full of the poetry of every-day feeling. These are days when poets try experiments; and while others succeed in taking the world's breath away with flights and plunges, Morris uses his feet to walk quietly with nature. Ninety-nine people in a hundred, taken as they come in the census, would find more to admire in Morris's songs than in the writings of any other American poet; and that is a parish in the poetical Episcopate well worthy a wise man's nurture and prizing.
"As to the man —Morris, my friend—I can hardly venture to 'burn incense on his moustache,' as the French say—write his praises under his very nose—but as far off as Philadelphia, you may pay the proper tribute to his loyal nature and manly excellences. His personal qualities have made him universally popular, but this overflow upon the world does not impoverish him for his friends. I have outlined a true poet and a fine fel­low, fill up the picture to your liking."
The music of this song was composed by Henry Eussell.
My father read this holy book
To brothers, sisters dear; How calm was my poor mother's look,
Who leaned God's word to hear. Her angel face — I see it yet!
What thronging memories come ! Again that little group is met
Within the halls of home.
Thou truest friend man ever knew,
Thy constancy I've tried; Where all were false, I found thee true,
My counsellor and guide. The mines of earth no treasure give
That could this volume buy; In teaching me the way to live,
It taught me how to die.